Under the hood – Digital Identity
Digital Identity is becoming the most discussed term on the internet that it is now deemed the core of digital transformation. With all these terminology, one wonders about the technology that constitutes or shapes the term “DIGITAL IDENTITY”. Let’s delve into the use case – customer onboarding, and shift through each layer of Digital Identity into perspective, using the YuTru Digital Identity Lifecycle.
Customer onboarding
To a Participant in the YuTru Scheme, there are two primary classes of users – new customer and existing customer. To explain how digital identity works, we revisit John, the fisherman’s use case. In John’s case, he is a new customer without a foundational ID ( NID, Employment ID, Drivers License, Passport etc.). So John would require a trusted referee (TR) – someone who knows John and has already been registered with YuTru.
1.1Enrolment : Resolution
John’s Personal Identifier Information (PII) is provided by John
- Fullname
- Date of Birth
- Place of residence
1.2 Enrolment : Proofing
YuTru system checks John’s data being provided
- Collection: captures John’s Biographic (name, DOB) & Biometric data ( face, fingerprints)
- Validation: checks if John’s PII & biometric data meets requirements
- Verification: a request to identify who John claims to be is generated and sent to the trusted referee.
1.3 Enrolment: Registration
- John is registered and is now a subscriber of YuTru
- Unique Identifier
- John’s information is only shared when John allows it to be shared with requested participants such as his bank.
2.1 Credentialing: Issuance
- John is provided with a memorised secret and given the option to choose how to carry his identity – Digital Identity Wallet. This can also be on the phone, smart watch, card or naked ID.
- For John, he would choose for YuTru to hold his identity (naked ID).
2.2 Credentialing: Revocation
- John might not be verified and hence not given a digital ID; or
Utilisation & Maintenance
Once John is a subscriber he can then utilise and maintain his digital ID wherever YuTru is accepted. John does not need to register his information again or re-identifies himself time and again. But if required, John will only be registering his attributes and John will always have control over his information whenever it is required by a participant of YuTru.